What is an ear tube insertion for children?
Eardrums are thin pieces of tissue deep in your child's ears. The space behind the eardrum is called the middle ear. It is connected to the back of the nose by a tube. This tube is called the eustachian tube. It allows air to fill this space and fluid to drain from the middle ear.
But sometimes these tubes don’t work well. This may be from allergies, infections like colds, or enlarged adenoids. Adenoids are soft tissue behind the nose that helps your child fight infection. As a result, fluid can build up behind the eardrums. This can cause pain and hearing loss.
During ear tube insertion, your child’s healthcare provider places a tiny tube into the eardrum to let fluid leave the middle ear. It also lets air enter the middle ear through the eardrum. By the time these tubes come out, the body’s natural passageway from the middle ear to the back of the nose may be working better. But sometimes another tube will need to be placed.
These ear tubes are called tympanostomy tubes. They are small tubes made of plastic, metal, or Teflon. The healthcare provider may insert tubes that fall out on their own after 6 months to a year. Another kind is made to stay in place longer, and the healthcare provider may need to remove that later.
Sometimes healthcare providers also remove the adenoids during the same surgery.
The most common ages for ear tube placement are from ages 1 to 3. By age 5, most children have wider and longer eustachian tubes that allow for better drainage of fluids from the ear.

Why might my child need an ear tube insertion?
This procedure is very common in children. Your child may need an ear tube insertion if he or she:
- Has had fluid in the ears for 3 or more months
- Has had a long-running ear infection
- Gets ear infections often
- Has an abnormal shape to his or her ears or mouth
- Has had certain ear injuries
You should also know that:
- Ear tube insertion should not be done on kids who have had only one ear infection lasting less than 3 months
- Your child should be evaluated to find out if he or she is at increased risk for speech, language, or learning problems from repeated ear infections.
What are the risks of an ear tube insertion for a child?
Possible risks of this procedure include:
- Problems from the anesthesia, such as breathing trouble or reaction to medicines
- Scarring of the eardrum
- Hearing loss
- Bleeding
- Infection
Some additional risks include:
- A hole in the eardrum that doesn’t heal after the tube comes out. This may require another procedure to fix it.
- The tube may come out too early. Or the tube may stay in place too long, requiring the doctor to remove it.
Your child may have other risks, depending on his or her specific health condition. Be sure to discuss any concerns with your child’s healthcare provider before the procedure.
How do I get my child ready for an ear tube insertion?
The healthcare provider will want to check your child’s overall health, ears, and hearing before the procedure. Before the procedure:
- Discuss any medicines or supplements your child is taking.
- Discuss your child’s allergies.
- Ask when your child can eat or drink before the procedure. Your child may not be able to eat or drink from midnight the night before the procedure.
- Discuss how long the tubes may stay in place and when your child will need follow-up appointments.
- You and your child will usually need to arrive a few hours before the surgery.
What happens during an ear tube insertion for a child?
An ear, nose and throat (ENT) specialist usually inserts ear tubes. It is usually an outpatient procedure. The entire procedure usually takes less than 15 minutes. The procedure may include:
- A specialist in giving medicine during surgery will give your child sleep medicine and watch him or her during surgery.
- The ENT will make a very small hole in the eardrum using a small knife (scalpel).
- The ENT will use a suction device to remove fluid from the middle ear through this hole.
- The ENT will place the tube into the hole. The hole will usually heal on its own without stitches.
An ear tubes usually falls out on its own in about 6 months to a year.

Assoc. Prof. Dr Nguyen Thi Hoai An directly operated on patients
What happens after an ear tube insertion for a child?
Your child will go to a recovery room to wake up. He or she may feel sleepy and irritable for an hour or two after waking up from the anesthesia. Noises may seem especially loud for a while. In most cases, your child will be able to go home the same day.
The ENT may suggest that you give your child eardrops for a few days after the surgery. During this time, you may notice fluid coming out of the ear. Your child can go back to normal play the next day, and can start eating normal food as soon as he or she feels like it.
Your child may need to take care to keep water out of the ear while the tube is in place. You may need to put an earplug or cotton ball covered in petroleum jelly into the ear before your child swims or takes a bath. Ask the ENT what he or she recommends.
Be sure to keep any follow-up appointments so the ENT can check on your child. Call the ENT if you notice any of the following:
- Your child has a fever
- Your child has ear pain
- Drainage from the ear smells bad, is thick, or has a yellow or green color
- The ear tube falls out
An Viet Hospital: A prestigious address for Ear Tube Insertion Surgery
At An Viet Hospital, the process is carried out to ensure maximum safety and efficiency:
- Effective treatment regimen, suitable for each case: An Viet Hospital applies both medical and surgical methods.
- Team of good doctors: An Viet owns a team of experienced and qualified doctors with many years of working in major hospitals such as: Saint Paul General Hospital, Viet Duc Hospital, etc.
- Modern equipment and machinery: In order to serve the process of medical examination and treatment safely, accurately and with high efficiency, An Viet is equipped with a system of modern machinery: automatic blood testing machine with 24 parameters, 4D ultrasound machine, high frequency machine for the treatment of diseases.
- Reasonable medical examination and treatment costs: At An Viet Hospital, the examination costs are public and transparent before the patient makes an appointment. After diagnosing and consulting treatment methods, the doctor will inform all specific costs for the patient to understand. Therefore, customers can fully be active during their medical examination and treatment process.
- Insurance payment support: An Viet supports insurance payment up to 100% depending on the type of patient participating. Ensure that the procedure is done quickly and in accordance with regulations.
- High confidentiality: When visiting the hospital, all patient information is absolutely confidential by the hospital. All procedures and medical records must be approved by the patient.
- Dedicated online consulting support: To ensure the best service quality, An Viet supports free phone and text messages for customers. Patients can book an appointment online for assistance in arranging a reasonable examination time.
Associate Professor , Ph.D, MD Nguyen Thi Hoai An
With more than 30 years of experience in examining and treating ENT diseases at the Central Hospital of Otolaryngology, Associate Professor Hoai An will directly examine, endoscopically and perform surgery on patients.
- Associate Professor, Doctor of Otolaryngology
- Former Head of Children's Otolaryngology Department, National Hospital of Otolaryngology
- Resident Doctor specializing in Ear, Nose and Throat
- Doctor who trained in the French Republic in Ear, Nose and Throat
- 30 years working at the Central Ear, Nose and Throat Hospital
At An Viet General Hospital, before surgery, the patient will be consulted and informed by the doctor about the cost. All are listed publicly and clearly for patients' peace of mind.
An Viet applies health insurance payments, guarantees hospital fees according to the listing framework of insurance agencies, minimizing treatment costs.
Right now, if you are in need of advice on tonsillectomy or tonsillitis treatment, please leave information or call hotline
1900 2838 - 0965 98 3773, an ENT doctor will support specific answers.
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